Why Is Your Lexus Car Not Starting Up?

Oh no! You aren't going anywhere in your Lexus today! Why not? Your starter failed. But how can that be? You don't recall getting any warning. You got in your vehicle, tried to start it and… nothing.

The thing is, cars frequently give some kind of warning when their starters begin to go bad. Not all the time, granted, but frequently. If you know what to look for, you can take the signs and symptoms of a failing starter and head off any starting difficulties before they occur.

If your Lexus car is not starting, and you think your starter is beginning to go bad, your best course of action is to bring your vehicle to your local Lexus dealer and have it checked out by a certified automotive technician.

Here, we will examine the signs and symptoms of a failing starter. If you know what to look for, you may be able to avoid getting stranded.

What Is Involved in a Car Starter?

Two main parts – the solenoid (or relay) and the primary motor – make up the starter for your Lexus. The battery in your car powers your vehicle’s starter. So your car can start, engine operation is initiated by the starter. Power is transmitted by the starter relay. If either the motor or the starter relay ceases functioning, you won't be able to get your car to budge without a tow or a jump start.

Why Do Good Starters Go Bad?

The cause of a bad starter doesn't have to be anything out of the ordinary. One cause could be a lack of vehicle maintenance. But normal and tear can cause the starter to fail, too.

During the lifetime of your starter, it takes a lot of abuse. Some of today's vehicles employ start/stop technology. While this is considered a technological advance, it can wreak havoc on batteries and starter motors. It's an incredible strain on them.

Have You Got Trouble? Watch for These Signs and Symptoms

The signs and symptoms of a bad starter we referred to earlier, if you notice it in time, can make the difference between being stranded in the middle of nowhere and getting to a service technician in a timely manner.

Watch for the Following:

  • After starting, the starter stays on
  • Smoke (due to an overheating starter)
  • Whirring, grinding, or clicking when you turn the key or press start
  • Intermittent vehicle starting problems

But what if the starter engages but the car won’t start? This could point to a problem with the flywheel.

Is It Your Battery?

You may be able to start your engine with the assistance of a powerpack  or a jump. If your engine does start with a jump or powerpack, then the problem likely wasn't with the starter, but the battery.

Other Reasons Why Your Lexus Won't Start

If your Lexus won't start, it could be a bad starter, a low/dead battery, or one of these other reasons:

  • Jammed steering lock
  • Bad timing belt
  • Broken distributor
  • Spark plugs
  • Bad ignition switch
  • Faulty alternator

When Your Lexus Won't Start, Turn to Prestige Lexus

If you need a new vehicle or work done on your current Lexus, the sales and service people at Prestige Lexus are here to be of assistance.

If you need a new Lexus starter, or a diagnosis as to why your vehicle won't start – or if you're in the market for a new/used Lexus – please contact us today. You can call 877-929-9191 and speak to a representative about sales, or you can use our convenient online form to start a conversation with us.

For service,  please call 855-917-3434.