What If You Don't Perform Routine Car Maintenance?

While routine servicing might seem like an unnecessary cost or a waste of time, failure to service your car regularly can have grave consequences. Though it might be tempting to skip out on regular car maintenance, doing so can directly affect your car’s value, how it performs and even lead to serious issues like the safety of your vehicle. Preventative maintenance is thus crucial to both your vehicle and the safety of you and others on the road. Regular car services give mechanics a chance to examine your vehicle for any potential problems and fix them before they cause more issues. However, if you’re not convinced, read on to find out what might happen if you don’t perform routine maintenance on your Lexus vehicle.

Breakdowns and High Costs of Repairs

When you neglect routine maintenance for your vehicle, you open yourself up to an almost guaranteed chance of a major car breakdown and other vehicle damage that could have been avoided. While the cost of regular servicing can be budgeted into your yearly expenses, the same cannot be said about an unforeseen breakdown. The cost of regular maintenance vastly outweighs the unexpectedly high cost of a repair bill and saves you the inconvenience and not to mention the danger that comes with having your vehicle breakdown.

Your Car will Cost More to Run

Everyone wants a better fuel economy to get the best mileage for their dollar. However, many car owners don’t realize that skipping regular servicing directly affects the fuel economy of their vehicles. Cars that are not well-maintained need to work harder and as a result, burn more fuel. Taking this into account, servicing your car regularly seems to be a pretty easy decision to make.

Decreased Lifespan of your Car

When your car is vulnerable to breakdowns and damage due to the lack of routine maintenance, this can decrease the expected lifespan of your vehicle. Though you might be able to fix the damages, the potential breakdowns and issues will go against the resale value of your car, and increase the cost of owning your car in the long term.

Your Car will not be Safe to Drive

Regular servicing is vital for your car to remain safe to drive. As mentioned, ignoring routine maintenance can increase the risk of mechanical failure. A simple tire blowout may cause extensive damage to your car if you’re traveling at high speeds. Poor maintenance of cars makes up a large proportion of car accidents, with statistics showing that many critical vehicle collisions are a result of poorly maintained suspension, braking, steering, transmission, wheels, and tire systems.

Let us help you! At Prestige Lexus, we offer professional servicing for Lexus cars. With our award-winning Lexus Service and Parts Department, you can trust our highly trained Lexus technicians to perform preventative car maintenance or other repairs for you. If you are looking to shop for a Lexus, we carry a variety of new and used Lexus cars for all budgets and needs.