What Are The Top Lexus Black Engine Oil Symptoms?

You know your car is due for an oil change once the oil in your engine turns black. It is best that you head to a service shop without delay as having black engine oil in your vehicle can cause your car to function abnormally, and may even result in fatal breakdowns which would cost more than just changing your oil. Below are some symptoms that your Lexus vehicle is suffering from black engine oil. While these symptoms might also appear as a result of other problems with your car, they are unmistakable indications of black engine oil.

Check Engine Light Illuminating

An obvious tell that your engine has gone awry would be when your check engine sign lights up. If you have surveyed your engine bay and deemed everything intact, then the sign has probably lit up because your engine is running with dirty oil. You can check if your oil is too dirty with the dipstick in the oily reservoir when the light comes on.

Noises from the Engine Bay

Since dirty oil will not lubricate the engine’s components sufficiently to prevent them from rubbing against each other, this can create loud noises as parts move against each other as the engine is running.

Dark and Thick Exhaust Smoke

The kind of smoke that is emitted from your vehicle’s exhaust pipe has correlations to the state of your oil. Black engine oil can result in your exhaust pipe emitting thick grey smoke instead of light smoke that comes out of the pipe when your oil is clean.

Atypical Response and Performance from the Engine

Has your engine’s performance decreased over time? Perhaps it is time to change your oil. The engine in your car relies on ingredients and additives in clean oil to run your car smoothly. Over time as you clock more mileage in your vehicle, the oil picks up particles from the engine and becomes black and dirty, rendering it incapable of doing its job. Therefore, if the engine does not have clean oil, your car will not perform like it used to.

Lexus Maintenance Required Light Illuminating

When the Lexus Maintenance Required Light turns on, it could mean that your Lexus vehicle is running on black engine oil. The Lexus Maintenance Required Light appears whenever your vehicle is due for a tire rotation, an oil change, or any other routine maintenance task. This smart feature roughly turns on every 5000 miles to ensure that your Lexus vehicle is always in top shape so you can have a great and safe driving experience with one of the most well-respected names in the auto industry.

Here at Prestige Lexus, you can expect only the friendliest service from our expert sales representatives. We stock a stunning range of Lexus models, both new and used catering to different needs and budgets. We are committed to assisting you with the perfect fit and with our wide range of cars, we are sure that you will find something you and your family will love. If you have any queries or require more assistance, please feel free to contact us.