What Are Common Lexus Fuel Issues?

It goes without saying that your Lexus car can’t run without fuel. If you have ever run out of fuel while on the road, you will know just how frustrating that can be. However, there are a number of things that could go wrong with your vehicle’s fuel system as well.

Read on to find out more about some common Lexus fuel issues!

Pump Not Working

The process of getting gasoline where it needs to be starts with the fuel pump. Your fuel pump is responsible for drawing gasoline from the tank and pushing it through the fuel filter. This then proceeds through to the fuel lines and injector before gas gets sprayed into your engine.

When this pump is malfunctioning, problems can start to occur. In newer cars, the pump is usually electric, which is why you will not get any gas to the engine if the pump is overheated.

Clogged Filter

The job of a fuel filter is to remove contaminants from the gasoline that passes through the fuel injectors. This ensures that your fuel injectors do not end up getting clogged, and also protects your engine from debris that could potentially damage it.

When your filter is clogged and unable to do its job, this would allow contaminants to get further through your vehicle, compromising your fuel system and even damage your engine.

Leaking or Clogged Fuel Lines

As you already know, fuel travels through several lines in your vehicle’s system before reaching its final destination: the engine. Throughout any part of the journey, fuel lines can get clogged.

Another issue you may face is that of leaking fuel lines, which can be dangerous. An excess amount of gasoline can ignite and even cause flames to shoot out from your tailpipe. When this occurs, the most likely issue is age and a lack of maintenance. It is recommended to carry out regular maintenance for your Lexus vehicle to reduce the chances of such problems happening in future.

Problems with the Fuel Injectors

Another possibility is that the fuel injectors in your car are malfunctioning. These injectors come with nozzles that spray gasoline directly into the cylinders. Combustion is able to take place when your engine combines air with gasoline. It is possible for your fuel injectors to become clogged due to the accumulation of carbon deposits over time. If the injectors get stuck in the open or closed position, this can also result in fuel issues.

Prestige Lexus Can Service Your Malfunctioning Car Parts

Regardless of the specific issue you are facing with your Lexus fuel system, Prestige Lexus can diagnose and service it for you. We stock genuine Lexus accessories for those who require a replacement part, and our services & parts department is in charge of repairing any issues within your vehicle.

If you are experiencing a problem with your Lexus car, be it fuel-related or not, we welcome you to schedule an online appointment with us today!