How To Troubleshoot Lexus Auto AC

Without doubt, the AC system of your Lexus vehicle can be a blessing during the summer. However, when it malfunctions or has trouble staying at an optimal temperature, you can have a problem on your hands. Before bringing your vehicle down to the mechanic for a check, you may decide to troubleshoot your Lexus auto AC by yourself. In this article, we share with you some top troubleshooting tips.

Check the Filter

Very often, the reason for reduced power of your Lexus auto AC is a dirty filter. Luckily, this problem can be easily remedied. When there are particles stuck in your filter, the overall ventilation in your vehicle is not in optimal condition, putting a strain on the AC system. You may want to consider changing your filter every 100,000 to 200,000 miles, although this should be more often if you frequently drive through dusty environments. Filters that are not near the end of their lifespans can be subject to a quick clean for an easy fix. 

Examine the Condenser

Next to the filter, the condenser is another important part of your AC system. When it is clogged or dirty, this can compromise the airflow in your Lexus vehicle. Grime, dust and small bugs can accumulate in the condenser over time, interfering with the condenser’s ability to let out heat. The result is poor cooling within the interior of your vehicle. Cleaning your condenser is easy enough, although you will have to gain access to it by removing your front bumper.

Check for Refrigerant Leaks

Refrigerant is the liquid responsible for releasing cool air within an AC system. You can expect normal AC systems to lose up to 15% of refrigerant annually. However, if a leak has occurred, the loss could be happening at a much faster rate, resulting in insufficient refrigerant to cool the interior of your car. When you suspect a leak, the only solution is to get the refrigerant topped up and the leak sealed off. This is best handled by a professional.

Consider the Compressor

The bad news is that a broken compressor cannot be repaired, and the only solution is to get a new one. However, this is unlikely to happen unless you have not turned on your AC system for some time.

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