How To Tackle Water Damage In Your Lexus Car

Whether your vehicle was caught in a sudden storm with the windows or top down, or if you were unfortunate enough to be parked in a flood zone during a major weather incident, you may at some point need to deal with water damage in your Lexus.

Here, we are going to look at a handful of things to do if your car got caught in a flood and, thereby, received water damage.

Damage from Flooding

If your vehicle is caught in a flood, numerous damages can occur including airbags, other safety features, mechanical systems, lubricants, and electronics. Check for any damages and, if you're suspicious, your best bet is to have a certified technician check out your vehicle. If the flooding wasn't too bad and the damage is minimal, it may be repairable. Under severe circumstances, however, cars have been totaled as a result of excessive flood damage.

Was Your Car Caught in a Flood?

If your car gets caught in a flood, what should you do? Here's some advice:

  • Immediately look over your car and try to determine the extent of damage. Take pictures if possible or videos. See how much of the interior got soaked, whether or not the water came up to or past the engine and fuel tank, etc.
  • As much as you can, and as fast as possible, dry out your car both inside and out. Hopefully, following the flood, the sun came out and it's a beautiful day. If you need to have your car towed to a dry area, do so.
  • Contact your insurance company to file a claim. This is where the pictures and videos could come in handy. Particularly if you live in a flood zone, make sure you check your insurance policy to see if flood damage is covered.
  • Your car should be ventilated as much as possible in a dry area. You may even decide to help the process along by using some high-powered fans. It's possible you may need to change out door panels, upholstery, mats, and carpets.
  • Check the oil. If, on the dipstick, you notice water droplets, a mechanic will need to be called to completely change the oil – or you can do the job yourself. To get all the water out, it must be completely emptied of oil (and fuel if the gas tank was also infiltrated).
  • Because the electrical components in your car may have been damaged, test them out. Turn on the radio, fans, lights, power windows, power locks, etc. Also check power steering, the clutch, brakes, and more. Hopefully, after your car dries completely, everything will be up and running again. Some electronics may have been permanently damaged, however.

Weigh your options carefully as to what your next move will be. If your car is not beyond repair, and your insurance can help out with costs, you may decide to have anything that was damaged in the flood replaced or repaired. In some cases, however, the car may be totaled.

Talk to Prestige Lexus Regarding Any Damage To Your Luxury Automobile

If you're having trouble with your steering, battery, alternator, brakes, tires, or what have you, when there's a problem with your Lexus, contact Prestige Lexus. We have a highly skilled and certified team of technicians who can handle any repair you need. What's more, you may wish to talk to them about getting your Lexus on a regularly scheduled preventative maintenance plan. Your Lexus is a high quality, luxury automobile that should always run at peak performance. To schedule service on your Lexus, please call 855-917-3434.

Speaking of luxury automobiles, are you in the market for a new or used car? Our sales team would love to show you our impressive Lexus inventory. You can call 877-929-9191 and speak to a representative about sales, or you can use our convenient online form to start a conversation with us.