How To Tackle A Lexus Fuel Leak

Automotive service technicians are frequently asked the question of whether or not it is safe to drive with a known fuel leak. While this isn't something you would think a car owner would consciously want to do, the question arises on a pretty frequent basis.

Here, we are going to look at what might be causing a Lexus fuel leak, how to be alerted to the fact that one exists, and what can be done about it. First and foremost, however, an answer to the question, "Is it safe to drive my car if I know it's leaking fuel?" It is not. Gas is highly flammable. In fact, one of the top causes of vehicle fires is fuel leaks. Not only might your car start on fire due to leaking fuel, if someone is following a car with a fuel leak, their vehicle is in danger, as well.

Is Your Car Leaking Fuel?

If you're wondering whether or not your car is leaking fuel, the following signs and symptoms could help you make up your mind:

You Detect the Odor of Fuel

Let's face it, there's no mistaking the smell of gasoline. Some people think that gasoline smells good, but regardless, it's not something you want to smell coming from your car on a regular basis. Sometimes, as gas ignites in your engine or as it evaporates, you may smell fuel. However, very quickly, these odors should dissipate.

Watch for other signs of a fuel leak if you notice the smell of gas during these times:

  • Your car is at a stop, idling
  • You approach your parked vehicle
  • Your car is traveling down the road

Frequently, before noticing any visible leaks, people will smell gasoline first.

Under Vehicle Moisture

If fuel is leaking from your vehicle very slowly, it will evaporate quickly. The area below your vehicle, however – if your car is parked there for a long time – may appear damp or wet. Try to locate your car's gas tank and begin paying closer attention to wet spots beneath the tank’s location.

A darkened spot on blacktop or concrete will be a dead giveaway. If, however, you park on top of live grass, the foliage may become discolored or die completely.

Unexplainable Drop In Fuel Level

Fuel gauge levels go down as a result of using your vehicle. But if it seems like you’re using or losing way too much fuel, there may be a leak. If you don't seem to be getting the mileage you used to and have to fill the tank more often, it’s time to figure out where that gas is going.

Particularly if a car is parked for a significant amount of time, and the fuel level is lower when you start the car again than it was when you parked it, that's a pretty good sign you have a leak.

What to Do

Fuel leaks are nothing to play with. Even crawling around under your car in an effort to locate the leak could prove dangerous.

If you feel your car may be leaking fuel, your best course of action is to take it to a professional automotive technician as soon as possible. They know how to safely check for leaks and repair them.

Turn to Prestige Lexus If You Think You Have a Fuel Leak

If you suspect you may have a fuel leak, it's imperative to get your Lexus in for service. Our certified team of Prestige Lexus technicians will see if your Lexus is leaking fuel and if it is, they'll be glad to schedule a repair for you. For service, please call 855-917-3434.

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