How To Reset The Check Engine Light In Your Lexus

Your Lexus engine light is there for a reason. It might turn on to alert you that the onboard computer has detected an issue and you need to check the engine right away. You can do this on your own or take your vehicle to an authorized Lexus auto repair shop. In any case, ignoring this problem can be dangerous because it means that you're knowingly driving with an engine problem. Read on to find out more details about this issue.

Is It Time to Reset Your Check Engine Light?

When the check engine light comes on, the first thing you should do is to fix the problem that prompted this light appearing on your dashboard. However, for many drivers, the check engine light still remains on even after a repair. In this case, you need to know how to manually turn it off. This involves using an ODB scanner which can be acquired online or from an auto repair shop. Other lights such as the VSC light might also come on together with the check engine light.

Resetting Your Lexus Check Engine Light

Here is the step-by-step procedure on how to fix your check engine light and turn it off manually:

  • Park your Lexus and put on the emergency brake. This will prevent the car from moving on its own by accident. Turn on the ignition of your Lexus, but don't start the engine.
  • Look under the dashboard and see where the OBD port is located. This is where you should plug in your OBD scanner.
  • Plug in the scanner and let it turn on. This will check for error codes and if the car has been repaired, stored codes only will be displayed on the screen.
  • Now that the OBD scanner is connected, select the "read codes" function. This will display a series of known codes on the screen.
  • The next step would be to select the "clear fault codes" function on your scanner. Again, you should do this only after you have repaired the car and fixed the problem that prompted the check engine light to appear on your dashboard.
  • Once you have cleared the codes, turn off the ignition of your car. Wait a minute and then turn on the engine. The check engine light in your dashboard should be gone.

Check Engine Light Maintenance Tips

Here are a few pieces of advice on how to prevent the check engine light from causing you problems in the future:

  • Make sure that the gas cap is properly closed. If it's not, the computer might trigger the check engine light. After you have closed the cap, it might take a few days for the check engine light to go away on its own, so be patient.
  • Monitor warning lights and the temperature of the engine on a regular basis. If your car gets too hot, this could cause the check engine light to go on again in the future.

Shop for New and Used Lexus Vehicles at Prestige Lexus

As you can see, resetting the engine light of your Lexus is not that complicated. However, if you don't currently own a Lexus, you should contact one of our specialists today. At Prestige Lexus, we go the extra mile to provide our customers with affordable and exciting Lexus vehicles. We carry both used and new Lexus cars, so you will definitely find something matching your budget.