How To Know If Your Lexus Is Leaking Transmission Fluid

When your Lexus is leaking transmission fluid, you may be wondering whether that makes it safe to drive. Transmission fluid tends to be easy to identify because of its distinctive green or red color. In this guide, we tell you more about the different warning signals to watch out for when your vehicle is leaking transmission fluid. 

Transmission Fluid Underneath or Around Your Vehicle

When you spot transmission fluid underneath or around your vehicle, this is one of the surest signs of a leak. While you may be able to continue driving your car in the short term, it’s not a good idea and can end up compromising your safety. When you notice dark spots on your driveway, check your fluid levels to ensure everything is in place. At the first sign of a leak, get it fixed timely before it has the chance to develop into a larger leak, which will require more time and money to repair.

Check Your Dashboard Warning Light

There are many different lights and signals on your dashboard for a reason. When the transmission light comes on, this can indicate one of numerous issues that could be happening, such as leaking transmission fluid or a transmission that is running on a higher temperature than normal. When in doubt, always consult your owner’s manual to find out what a flashing warning light means and get the issue resolved as soon as you can.

Odd and Unreliable Performance

If you find that your Lexus is providing you with odd and unreliable performance all of a sudden, this can be an indication of a transmission fluid leak. Some signs to watch out for include:

  • Grinding gears, which can produce a jarring sound
  • A strange vibration while driving
  • Sudden surges in speed
  • Extreme slowness
  • A burning smell

While some of these symptoms can be attributed to something else that has gone wrong, it’s worth checking out if they are caused by a transmission fluid leak. Regardless of the cause, you will have to get the problem fixed to ensure road safety for yourself and others around you.

Overheating Interior

When the transmission fluid level gets low, the gears are not receiving sufficient lubrication and this causes them to heat up. You may also be able to smell burning transmission fluid when that happens. This is an indication that you should bring your vehicle in for repair immediately.

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