How To Identify Tire Damage In Your Lexus

If you own a Lexus, it's very likely you're aware of all the incredible safety features the luxury automobile manufacturer has included. Don't nullify all of those safety features by driving on bad tires! It's important to know how to identify tire damage before a blowout (or some other tire malfunction) occurs.

Not only are there a number of different kinds of tire damage to be on the lookout for, it's important you research the cause of the damage once you notice it. After all, it wouldn't make much sense to put on a new set of tires, only to have the damage repeated sooner than later. You drive an incredible automobile, so seeing to its maintenance should be a primary concern.

All of that said, let's look at some early warnings that your tires are probably going to fail.

Excessive Vibration

You may have a wheel that is bent, unbalanced, or misaligned if you notice vibration. It may also point to a problem with your suspension system or signify the tire is damaged internally. This should not be ignored.

Blisters or Bulges

Replace your tire at once if, in the side wall, you notice a blister or a bulge. These could lead to tire failure because it signals a potential weak spot.

Extremely Worn Tread

Once your tire has worn to the minimal recommended tread depth, you should see bars running across the tread. These are called tread wear indicators. When you see these, it's time for new tires.

Uneven Tread Wear

If the tread on your tires is wearing unevenly, it could be caused by suspension problems, damaged tires, misaligned wheels, or improper inflation.

Cuts or Cracking

Cracking and/or cuts in the sidewall of your tires are not uncommon. They can, however, be a sign that your tires are breaking down. Cracking results from exposure to chemicals, oils, UV light, and other elements. The flexibility of the tire rubber is reduced. Cracks develop as flexibility declines.

Have cuts checked out as well. They can result from sharp foreign objects like glass or stone as well as protruding bodywork parts and bad road conditions.

To check the tires on your car, it only takes a minute or two. It's such an easy thing to do, why avoid it? At least weekly, you should check your tires. If you notice their condition is questionable, have a certified Lexus technician check out the problem. After that, you will probably want a nice new set of tires installed so you can start fresh.

Are The Tires on Your Lexus Damaged? Contact Prestige Lexus

Lexus owners enjoy automobiles that are well-built and dependable. Now and then, however, trouble can arise. If your tires are wearing badly or unevenly, there could be an underlying cause other than the tires themselves. It's best, in that case, to bring your car to a certified Lexus mechanic for a check-up. Once the problem has been tended to, new tires can be mounted and should last for a more acceptable amount of time.

Need assistance? Call us at 877-929-9191 to speak to a representative. Or you can reach out to our service department to schedule an appointment. If you have any inquiries or require more information, please feel free to contact us.