How To Enable Bluetooth Calling For Your Lexus Veh

If you own a Lexus vehicle, you're probably used to having access to all the awesome features. If you've never tried calling with Bluetooth, it's a great way to complete calls without plugging in. In this guide, we'll show you how easy it is to get Bluetooth Calling enabled on your car so that you can start talking hands-free as soon as possible!

Your Lexus vehicle may already be equipped with an optional Bluetooth® system. If your vehicle does not have the Bluetooth option, you will need to purchase a new stereo system that includes this feature.

To Connect With Lexus To Enable Bluetooth Calling:

  • Launch the system menu. To enable Bluetooth calling, you must launch the system menu. You can do this by pressing the "Settings" button on your steering wheel or by selecting "Voice Search" from your infotainment screen.
  • Select the Bluetooth menu option. This can be found in the Telematics section of your vehicle's infotainment system or in your Lexus settings menu if you have a newer model.
  • Activate the Bluetooth feature on your phone or another device, and enter its pairing code when prompted by your car's screen (for example, 0000). You'll also need to select "Phone" as one of three options on this screen before proceeding to step 4; if it isn't already selected by default, tap on it until it is highlighted blue and then press "OK" at the bottom right corner of the display screen after confirming completion from the previous step above.
  • Go back into the main menu now that this part is complete; check again for confirmation that both devices have been paired successfully (iPad/iPhone users: scroll down past "Bluetooth Settings" until you see "Device Name," then tap once more until the name appears underlined). If it is not there, try pairing again. If you still don't see your phone's name, restart the car and try again.

 You Now Have Bluetooth Calling Enabled In Your Lexus Vehicle!

Now that you have completed the steps above, you now have Bluetooth Calling enabled in your Lexus vehicle!

For the most part, Bluetooth calling is easy and intuitive to use. Once you have set up your Lexus's Bluetooth system, enabling the phone to make and receive calls is as simple as pressing a button on your steering wheel or center console. You can accept incoming calls by pressing this button or talking into your car's internal microphone. If you would rather not immediately talk into the microphone but instead want to listen first before answering a call, press the answer button once it's ringing and wait for them to begin speaking before picking up.

Once connected via Bluetooth, both parties can hear each other clearly due to their built-in noise cancellation technology, which filters out ambient sounds so you can focus on what matters most—talking with people! If someone else wants access while they're in range of your vehicle (up to 300 feet away), they may connect without any trouble whatsoever; however, if there are too many wireless devices within range at once (e.g., smartphones), then only one person can be connected at a time due mainly because there isn't enough bandwidth available from these devices simultaneously broadcasting signals over such short distances between each other as well as through walls/doors, etc.


We hope this guide has been able to answer all your questions about how to enable Bluetooth Calling on your Lexus vehicle. If you have any further questions or concerns, please contact us for assistance.